Saturday, June 27, 2015

West Coast Prince of Wales Island, June 9 -12, 2015

Stormy, fogy, yuk
Traversing the southern tip of Prince of Wales,  we enter the stormy waters of the Gulf of Alaska.   Being a fair weather boater, I am not a fan of these open waters but luckily, we don’t get thrown around and are soon in the protected passage of Cordova Bay.  The west side of Prince of Wales is comprised of beautiful, remote anchorages and some quirky towns.  We sample it all – stopping one night in Kassa Inlet where we forage for our dinner and catch 24 wonderful prawns. Shrimp Scampi for dinner.

A Hydaburg House

An afternoon stop in Hydaburg is on the agenda.  This is a native Haida village (population approximately 370) known for their extensive totem park.  We meet Hagu, a native elder, who gives us a tour of their carving shed and regales us with the “story” of his people and the suffering they endured at the hands of “the white man.”   He clearly relishes his unending presentation and when we tell him we have to skedaddle, he thrusts a tomahawk into Jim’s hands and has him beat the Indian drum as accompaniment to a native song he sings for us.  I think we’d still be there if Jim had been able to carry the beat.
View from above Hydaburg house

Craig is the largest town on Prince of Wales (population approximately 1,200) and is the service center for the island.  There is a bank, fully stocked grocery store that serves the entire island, and more B&Bs and hotels than you’d see in a quaint New England town.  Sport fishing is the draw here. 
Craig Hotels
My question:  where does everyone eat? There is a cafe and one restaurant/bar in town - Ruth Ann’s– open Monday through Friday.  The bartender, a beautiful, buxom blond, explains that this is a real problem as there is nowhere to go on date night – Saturday & Sunday nights.  I see the dilemma but am much more interested in the fact that this woman has her makeup so expertly applied it’s almost as if she has a team of New York stylists stashed behind the Jamieson whiskey.    And where did she get the makeup?  There is no place on Prince of Wales Island that sells it, save for what she can scrounge up at the local pharmacy.  In fact, there are no department stores, Targets, or even a Walgreen in all of SE Alaska – well, there is a Fred Meyers in Juneau but that is a boat or float plane away. And the pharmacies’ makeup isles are usually a shelf or two of random products.  At any rate – she looks great and I can see why she worries about where to go on date night.
But there’s always the hardware store, and oh what a store! There, Jim gets an espresso mocha - it's a full service hardware store.  Now there’s an idea for a date night.

On the way to Craig

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