Monday, August 20, 2012

A Farewell to Alaska July 28 – Aug 1, 2012

Who Said Gray is Not a Color?

It’s time to move on and out - the kids are gone, rain has rushed in with a fury and our 20 hours of daylight is over.  We were told that come October, sunrise is 10 AM and sunset at 2 PM – and judging by how fast it gets dark now, I believe it. 
Those Darn Amazing Whales

We spend our last few days in Ketchikan getting ready for the ocean crossing – cleaning, fixing and provisioning.  Provisioning consists of tossing out moldy cheese, shriveled veggies and unidentifiable fruits and replacing them with new stuff to be ditched at the next stop.   This is all accomplished in the worst punishing  rain we have seen since we’ve been here- even the locals are complaining.  I was feeling melancholy about leaving just a few days ago but now that I have water dripping off my nose - even while I am inside - this is just the push we need to flush us out of here.
And the Glaciers!

Alaska has been an amazing adventure in some of the most remote parts this country has to offer.  There is a daily wildlife show and nature extravaganza that will blow you away.  It’s hard to sum up the majesty and enormity of the beauty.  Every way you whip your head is another eyeful of gorgeous landscapes that are indescribable and never ending.  You simply have to see it to believe it.
And More Whales

The people have been reliably quirky and lived up to every notion of Alaskans you might have – they are unique, they know it and embrace it - also part of the charm.  They lead a different life than those of us in the “lower 48,” it is one without many of the amenities we take for granted – and I think they like it that way.  As one native islander summed up – “If we don’t have it, you don’t need it!”  I actually saw the explanation mark as he said it.  It’s a simpler way of thinking about life and one this gal doesn’t want to think about.  I am happy to get back on the grid.
Add Grizzlies!

We spend our last night almost the same way we began our first night here,  having dinner with Gay and Wyman,  who have contributed mightily to our enjoyment of SE Alaska.  Even though we have not been with them throughout our journey, it’s hard to imagine our trip without their helpful tips and grand enthusiasm. 

Moon Rise
But this is not good-bye to Alaska it’s -  see you again in a couple of years.


  1. I've enjoyed viewing SE Alaska travel through your eyes, and chuckle at the humor you bring to the experience, even in this soggiest of years. Happy cruising, wherever!

  2. Thank you - nice to know you enjoyed it.
