Friday, September 23, 2011

Quadra Island, September 14 - September 16, 2011

View of Discovery Channel from Quadra Island

Quadra Island is the northern most island we are visiting and the last island on this trip.  Of course, with a population of 2,700, it feels like a teeming metropolis compared with  Cortes Island.  It has three harbors, and we opt for April Point, on the west coast of the island.  This is a major salmon fishing area and people come from all over the world to catch their 30+ pounds of Omega 3s.

Our first hike takes us along a little used road and 45 minutes later we arrive in "town."  We have now learned that anything more than one store constitutes a town so this city center is huge with over 6 retail stores.  There is even a coffee shop that serves mediocre mochas (Howard Schultz, can you hear me?).

The next day we get our first taste of fall - rain.  Late in the afternoon it clears and we we take a short hike through the woods - startled to see real evidence of autumn - trees changing colors. 

Autumn Coming

The following morning we embark on a scooter rental mission.  The resort has Yamaha's that  are bigger than the Honda's we previously rode and they look  scarey but we want to tour the island so we forge on.  The attendant (a kid really) makes us to do a test drive to prove we really know how to drive them and tells us they are a little tricky to handle.   I feel  miffed - afterall, I  now have exactly three full hours of previous experience.  And it shows as I  maneuver the bike up a short steep hill, around a sharp curve and expertly dump it over directly into a privet.  The attendant is very solicitous - am I all right?  Did I hurt myself? - all the while  inspecting the scooter for damage.  I am fine, just fine!  But,  my pride is battered especially after he states he will not be able to rent to me.  Jim is great, assuring me he didn't like the looks of those scooters from the get-go.  I love him.

Instead, we decide to take the dinghy around the island to Quathiaski Cove where there is supposed to be a big commerical center since the ferry docks there.  The weather is cloudy and windy,  but not dangerous, so Zippy gets out-fitted in his life jacket and off we go.  The waters are rough with whirlpools big enough to swallow us and rip tides that could toss us across the island.  We are driven on by the hope of some civilization and we make it to the dock in one wet piece.  We walk up the hill and there is the exact same "town" with the same six stores we walked to days ago. 

Zippy ready to go

Painters Lodge
Our last night we take a water taxi across Discovery Passage  to our sister resort,  Painters Lodge.   Discovery Passage is used by the Alaskan cruise ships and while we're dining a mega ship sails by, lit up like a carnival.  It is so large it almost fills the entire channel.  All the diners get up to snap pictures but nothing can capture the surprising view.  A perfect final night in the islands.

Alaskan Cruise Ship

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