Friday, September 2, 2011

Pender Harbor Continued - Thursday August 24, 2011 - Friday September 2, 2011

We return to Pender Harbor, not because we miss the mosquitos, bees and bears, but because Jim has to catch a float plane and head home for some business for a few days and float planes are hard to come by, but do land in Pender Harbor.  So we make the most of our time. 

One night we decide to explore a new restaurant that is hard to get to - being nestled up in the mountain.  But upon further investigation, we learn they have a dinghy dock and will send down a golf cart to pick us up and haul us to the top.  Perfect!  We head over, tie up and call.  Unfortunately, the owner, who picks up, is out tonight as his wife is having a baby.  But people have walked up they tell us.  OK....we're hungry and game.  We hike, we climb, we gasp.  Yes, people have done it, but have they lived to tell about it?  We finally arrive at the Grasshopper Inn and the staff is very encouraging, maybe even a bit relieved to see that the two old people panting before them have not expired.

The Restaurant at the Top of the Hill
Yes, the Very Top

After dinner a tipsy patron offers to give us a ride back down - we hoof it instead.

Our days are spent kayaking and hiking the mountains - but no bear sightings.  Jim ventures out on his own one afternoon and spies bear scat and high-tails it back to the boat, with photos of said scat.  Nice.

Hiking View - So Worth It

Abandoned Oyster Shucking Shack
Oyster Shell Banks

We have a family of otters living under our dock and they are real talkers, their sound is half-way between a squeak and a meow.  Zippy definitely wants a piece of them and they  love to taunt him. 

The bees continue to be a problem and Zippy frantically chases them around the boat while yelping.  The pay-off for all this stalking is a big sting.  His lip was so fat he looked like the mob had beaten him. 

Otters waiting for Zippy

We shove off tomorrow, bright and early, for Desolation Sound.  No internet, no cell, just us and mother  nature.  Maybe we'll even see a bear.  We'll miss the trilling loons and the barking seals - but we won't miss the bees.

Off to work - a new kind of commuting

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