Saturday, August 7, 2010

Friday, Aug 6: Day Two

Another night of no sleep.  The cats used our bodies as human trampolines all night long and we are groggy and bruised. Jim claims that we actually got negative sleep as they sucked any rest right  out of us.

 But there is no time to idle as today we are sailing to Friday Harbor in the San Juan Islands.  Our course is across the Straits of Juan de Fuca.  Much has been written about how to do this.  Entire books in fact.  Seminars are held at all the boat shows about the dangers, the right conditions in which to cruise and the weather conditions to avoid.  There can be gale force winds, eddies and rip tides. We have made this crossing several times before in sunny calm waters.  Not today.

We walk out onto the dock to fog and mist.  The weather report says something about gale force winds in the very spot we are crossing.  In addition, we have low tide, thick fog and a strong current against us. Our decision: lets go!  And we do.

Radar guides us until the weather clears somewhat but it is a rough, rough ride.  Yesterday was a hobbyhorse ride - today, we're riding the wild steer at the rodeo and he is determined to whip  us off.  I get seasick for the first time ever.  We take water on the bow and  rain into the guest state room as someone forgot to close the hatch.  I'm not naming names.

But gradually, 3 hours later, things calm down and we see 3 Orca whales.  We stop the boat, three other vessels come in close too but the Orcas dive down and out of sight  just as I get my  camera.  Later we see dolphins.  And of course seals. We also spot some unsual looking vessels and two large navy ships.  

We arrive in Friday Harbor at noon and all of us take a long nap.  We are done for the day.

The Ferry Leaving Friday Harbor

Sailboat Race in Friday Harbor

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