Monday, August 23, 2010

Did Someone Say Ganges? Tuesday Aug. 17 - Thursday Aug. 19, 2010

A fellow boater on our dock mentioned that they just got back from Ganges and SYC happens to have an outstation there.  We hit the charts, plot a NW course, past Snugglers Nook and Thieves Bay and two hours later we are entering Ganges Harbor on Salt Spring Island.  The cruise books caution that the harbor entrance is a "minefield" and we do have to dodge all the crab pot buoys in purple and yellow and green sprinkled willy-nilly, the float planes landing and all the boats coming and going.

Our first stop is at the city dock for a pump out.  One Loonie and two Toonies gets you a four minute pump out.  How adorable, they have cute names for their money.  I think this could be the answer to the US stagnant economy and stalled spending.  We need to nickname our currency.  Instead of a twenty we could call it a "twipsy" and a fifty could be a "fipsy" - that way,  you don't actually have to deal with the amount you're spending - its like  monopoly money.  Much more fun to spend a couple of twipsies for that dinner out.  Someone call the Federal Reserve Chair.

Meanwhile, we still have to get to our slip and besides crab pots, there is the danger of rocks, reefs and shoals in the harbor.  In fact, our entrance to the marina is next to a reef called "Moneymaker".  As soon as we make the bend in the fairway we see a boat washed up on shore but Jim expertly docks us.  We have dinner on board our first night there.



The View from the Restaurant

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