Friday, August 19, 2011

The Gulf Islands - August 7 - 11, 2011

Once we dropped off the kids at the airport we made a 36 hour stop at home to nab the pets and pack the things we had forgotten.  My closet at home is now completely empty, the cupboards are bare and  I am loaded down like a pack mule with all the additional supplies while Jim is still  operating with a half-full duffel.

Henry Island

We head back to Anacortes, spend a few days on chores including lowering our 400 foot anchor chain and painting it alternating red, white, blue and gold every 25 feet so when the time comes to anchor - which I hope is never - we will be ready to calculate depths. We move on to Henry Island in the San Juans for a few days of vegging. 

On my birthday we have dinner at Roche Harbor which is notable in that sunset and lowering the colors (flag) is celebrated by a loud horn followed by the playing of the Canadian anthem, Bristish anthem and then Taps - piped through a sound system throughout the harbor and restaurant.  At the conclusion of this dramatic symphony, the officers of the Roche Harbor Yacht Club line up on the dock in full uniform and at the count of three, jump into the 58 degree water.  Well, the women leap in,  the men step back from the edge.  After boisterous boo's from the spectators, the guys reconsider,  take a running start and, to redeem their cowardly ways, somersault off the dock- fully clothed - into the water.  Apparently this is one of those charming rituals performed periodically.

Quaint Montague Harbor

In spite of all the entertainment at Henry Island, we  cruise to the southern Gulf Islands on Sunday, August 7, 2011.  First stop,  Montague Harbor in Galiano Island.   Population 1,000,  made up of hippies, retirees and vacationers - and never the thrice shall meet.  We decide to hike to "town" for a beer at the pub.  The hike is actually over 5 hilly miles and the town is really just a ferry landing, a grocery store, ice cream parlor and the beautiful Galiano Inn.  But they serve beer and have a shuttle to get us back to the other side of the island.

The next day we rent motor scooters
and drive to the other side of the island crossing the 49th parallel. 

Road Hogs

We end our stay with dinner at the Inn, and a beautiful view.

Dining with a view

Thetis Island

On August 9, 2011 we cruise  two hours west to Telegraph Harbor on Thetis Island -population 350.   A marine mechanic runs this harbor and we need to get parts shipped to us by ferry.  Unlike Galiano Island, there is no "town" here, but there is a pub and liquor store. 

Party Barge on Logs in Telegraph Harbor
Heading to the liquor store no doubt

Our last stop in the Gulf Islands is Ladysmith,on the east coast of Vancouver Island.  The marina is next to a logging operation and construction company so our 24 hour stay is big on dust and low on charm.

Time to leave the islands behind and head for the big city, Vancouver.

Logs going to market = broken propellers

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